Apex Silent Auction

Olivia Bowler | December 14, 2017

The Apex ReStore is hosting its very first silent auction to sell some much asked-after pieces in the store. In addition to some beautiful stained glass, they’ve been collecting small antique items to showcase in the auction.


Date: Monday, December 11 - Friday, December 29th
Location: 826 E. Williams St., Apex
The nitty gritty:

  • To bid, first register for a bidder number by filling out a quick form.

  • Once you have your bidder number in hand, bid away! Please be mindful of minimum increases. You can bid as many times as you want and on as many different pieces as you want.

  • When the auction concludes we will contact the winners to please come pay and collect their pieces within two business days.

  • All proceeds benefit Habitat Wake’s mission to build affordable homes in Wake County. We appreciate your support!

#1: Stained Glass window with yellow stripe
Starting bid: $50
Minimum bid increase: $5

#2 Antique tool set
Starting bid: $25
Minimum bid: $5

#3 Vintage photo album
Starting bid: $5
Minimum bid increase: $2


#4 Stained glass window with purple tear drop
Starting bid: $20
Minimum bid: $2


#5 Sterling silver candle holder
Starting bid: $75
Minimum bid: $5


#6: Butler monkey
Starting bid: $80
Minimum bid: $5


#7:Vintage Acropoint time recorder

Starting bid: $20
Minimum bid: $2


#8: Domed antique window

Starting bid: $80
Minimum bid: $5


#9: Vintage children’s records

Starting bid: $5
Minimum bid: $2


#10: Small antique stained glass window
Starting bid: $25
Minimum bid: $5


#11: Antique stamp collection
Starting bid: $25
Minimum bid: $2